Monday, 23 January 2012 ♥
:: without words :: ♥ 00:43
i shouldn't have done that
i should have pretend not to know
like i can't see it
like i couldn't see it
i shouldn't have to look at you in the first place
i should have run away
i should have pretended i wasn't listening
like i didn't hear it
like i couldn't hear it
i shouldn't have heard ur love in the first place
without a word, u made me know what love is
without a word, u gave me your love
made me fill myself with ur every breath
then u ran away
without a word, u leave me
without a word, love abandons me
wondering what to say next
my lips were surprised
because it came without word
why does it hurt so much?
why does it hurt continuously?
except for the fact i can't see u anymore
n that u not here anymore
otherwise, it'll be just the same like before
without a word, tears start falling down
without a word, my heart is broken
without a word, i waited for the love
withou a word, love hurts me
i've become transparent
i've become a fool
and i cry just by looking at the sky
without a word, seperation finds me
without a word, the end comes to me
it took my heart by surprise
to send u away unexpectedly
without a word, love appears
without a word, love vanishes
like a fever i'd had
maybe all i have to do is hurt for a while
because in the end, the only thing that remains are scars
Nurieyn ♥
♥ The Times Of Our Live
Nurieyn Mohd
Just call me Nurieyn or Ain.
Born at 1993
I'm just the girl try to find a place in this world ♥ ♥ ♥
A very
random & hyper girl who
cannot be alone ♥
I am very
Sensitive person.
I really like
Music is my life.
Dancing is my passion.
Take an
U.F.O to visit me (:
Stairs to UFO
& there you go!
You can
strike &
underline it (:
Entertainment ♥
♥ Music
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