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I My Me Mine♥

Thursday, 28 July 2011 ♥
**hyun seung ♥ 23:30

hello...1/7/2011 beast come to malaysia  !!! even da lepas but still rase tak puas hati tengok concert diaorang..nak lagi !! Beast is top 5 in my list...they soooo perfect...

6# Jun Hyung
5# Yo Seob
4# sweet smile Doo Joon
3# Perfect dance Gi Kwang
2# Cute maknae Doong Woon
1# Perfect voice Hyun Seung

i really like + love Hyun Seung...even Yo Seob is a main vocal but i really like Hyun Seung voice..his voice is different from other...so sweet + so perfect ! love his new hair n love when he wear spectacles..
perfect + cute + sweet
Beast / B2st saranghaeo

Saturday, 23 July 2011 ♥
**neo mariya ♥ 00:28

there are a few thing u have to know about u !
yes neo mariya !!

# aku tak ske ko ambik barang aku sesuka hati
# biler dah ambik letak la kat tempat dia balik !!!
# jgn buat baik semata mata ko nak balasan baik dari aku
# jangan nak perasan lelaki nak pikat ko
# jangan dok menyibuk hal aku
# jangan sentuh barang aku !!!!

aish..jeongmal !! betul2 tertekan... bila la ko nak lari dari hidup aku..
why must u??? !
hate u. !

duduk kat tempat baru nie, aku tak ley nak jadi diri sendiri. why? coz kat tempat baru, kita da la takderk kawan...so baik2 r ngan semua orang... tapi bila da baik dia pijak kepala..uish panas btul....aku da tak nak jaga hati orang...kali ni aku nak jadi diri aku sendiri..ko nak kutuk aku lantak ko larh...i want to be myself...no matter how bad i am, thats me...if u don't like thats your problem... !

Thursday, 21 July 2011 ♥
**joongki ♥ 12:24

Annyeonghaseyo...! hee ! ='(... Joongki da tak der dalam Running Man. so sad. ! miss joongki ! harap2 nanti dia datang lagi dalam running man. even jadi guest pun cukuplah...

semua sedih time joongki bagi ucapan. jihyo lagi la..coz joongki baik giler ngan jihyo. time nangis pun sempat agi buat lawak. joong kook start lu. haha !

♥ running man

Tuesday, 19 July 2011 ♥
**you ♥ 20:55

Assalamulaikum..annyeong.. ! today i wanna share something..poem? i don't think so.. hehe..it's really happen to me..this is what i feel..and saya tujukan untuk "awak" =D

i'm getting confused
its something embarrassing to juz say
its something i don't want to say first
i'm really shy
don't pretend u don't know
i put on my dazzling make up again
n look at myself in the mirror again
this is enough to find me out
don't u have something u forgot to say
i can't take my eye
i juz don't know whenever i see u
men are so slow, so very slow
they're so tactless
whenever i see u
like my heart will be all found out
if u're not an idiot
there's no way u wouldn't know how i feel
hey you, i feel so unfairly treated
i'm going to hold on to u tightly
when i call ur name out loud
are u going to only look at me?
are you really asking coz u don't know?
i can't fall asleep all night bcoz of u
hate u. stupid. are u serious?
how can u not know? why?
don't u know how i feel?why?
another day passes like this
u leave me again n go
do u really not know or know?
what more do u want me to do?
my prettified self feels pathetic
i erase all my make up n shout at u
i'm saying i love u  ♥♥♥

Saturday, 16 July 2011 ♥
**meet u ♥ 22:32

Assalamualaikum, hello, annyeong, apa khabar...heee ! tadi out mesra mall with nadia n ifwat. ifwat is our driver. haha. hurm, main reason go to mall is nak hang out with nadia. da lame tak hang out sesame. and kebetulan nak treat ifwat makan sempena bufday dia yang da lepas... keh keh kitaorang makan pizza ! rindu sangat kat pizza. kempunan nak makan pizza. cheh macam kat UiTM tu tak derk pizza. kitaorang shopping. byk sangat. nadia la shop paling banyak. habis 100 lebih kowt.

 Pizza Hut !
 minah koya
 in Reject Shop
 ni barang kami nampak cikit tapi........
 kira duit hehe
 Resit, g claim..haha
 inilah kami yang suke ber'koya'

 waiting for driver
 cool milo
our driver...hehe gurau je

Friday, 15 July 2011 ♥
**let's start new chapter ♥ 00:54

start new chapter? macam da masuk taun baru je...hihi.. start new chapter bukan apa...orang da tak nak tulis benda MELALUT...kadang kadang kita tak sedar...menulis blog ni boleh meningkatkan kreativiti kita dalam bidang penulisan an? hihi (melalut lagi) lagi satu...ingat nak perbanyakkan guna bahasa english la..coz nak membuatkan saya lagi pandai berkata kata dalam bahasa mat salleh ni...bukan apa, skrang BI penting..ia adalah bahasa pengantaraan..hihi...main language...actually i got many story to share but.......tak tahu nak start mane...banyak sangat dalam kepala ni...thinking.....think....thinking...... 

Thursday, 14 July 2011 ♥
**new class ♥ 12:54

Annyeong..!!! Hiiiiii......

Da masuk alam U nie lain da rase...
hurm..semua benda baru...
tempat baru
kawan baru
baju baru....?
kasut baru......? (haha)
classmate baru
pakwe baru....? (ader ker)
cheh pakwe baru konon...
takderk MAKNERnyer...hahaha

sajer je ni nak promote gambar budak2 kelas...

AC110 b (2011)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011 ♥
**photography ♥ 16:30


Lama giler tak on blog...busy la katekan...alang2 ada mase ni an...aku search internet...tup tup jumpe gambor..lawa giler...aku da la minat giler bab2 photo nie... photography ker photographer ker, memang excited bile dengar...aku suke ambik gambar tapi tak suker bergambar...hahaha...
 Ni kat pantai kemasik...

Ni kat kerteh...depan umah kowt..!!!

ni kat Kuala Paka
and ni kat Laman Masjid Putrajaya

semua gambor2 ni bukan aku curi taw...aku terjumper....memang lawa giler..so aku ambik la...nak suruh korank2 tengok...yang paling aku excited gambor depan umah aku....hahaha..walaupun tak nampak rumah tapi tetap excited...aku ambik kat link nie -> http://hafizaizuddinphoto.blogspot.com/
lawa dia ambik gambor...ni yang jeles nie...biler larh aku bleyh ambik gambar cam tu an? =P

Nurieyn ♥
♥ The Times Of Our Live

Nurieyn Mohd
Just call me Nurieyn or Ain.
Born at 1993
I'm just the girl try to find a place in this world ♥ ♥ ♥

A very random & hyper girl who
cannot be alone ♥

I am very Sensitive person.
I really like Photography.

Music is my life.
Dancing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stairs to UFO
& there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Music here!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

tagboard here!
Hover here for tagboard!

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

is what i adores most.
They are my SuperGirlf.

Korean Artist
they all make me go carzy
(they're so cute!)

Snapping & Editing picture
are part of my favourites.

Shopping sprees
with my girlfriends are times when we
can crap together.

When she's out with her Supergirlfs or
when she has nothing to do at home.

Mummy,Daddy & Sibling
are the beloved families of mine.

Dark Chocolates
is my choice chocolate.
More bitterness, less sweetness please (:

Beloved Darling
He's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this please (:
Boyf, i love you

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Gain weight!
- Skin Of The Day
- Get over you?
- Electric blue/cardigan!
- My Dream's Beg
- Be with you ♥
- More outings with my classmate!
- New pair of shoes & boots
- No gain Height
- Increase my Tudung collections!
- More Jeans!
- Black Eyeliner!
- More friend!
- Happiness!

Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings


Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` March 2011 ` April 2011 ` May 2011 ` July 2011 ` August 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` January 2012
♥ Designer

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