Wednesday, 18 May 2011 ♥
**nothing ♥ 14:48
haha...tadi tgh kemas2 barang kat kedai..
tetiba ternampak nie...
korank tau tak..hahaha...mesti tak tau an..
nampak kartun Paroro tu teringat kat Haha..
Haha + Paroro = Haroro
**ape ke pelik name Haha...aku nak wat name Kehkeh la pulak...
Nurieyn ♥
♥ The Times Of Our Live
Nurieyn Mohd
Just call me Nurieyn or Ain.
Born at 1993
I'm just the girl try to find a place in this world ♥ ♥ ♥
A very
random & hyper girl who
cannot be alone ♥
I am very
Sensitive person.
I really like
Music is my life.
Dancing is my passion.
Take an
U.F.O to visit me (:
Stairs to UFO
& there you go!
You can
strike &
underline it (:
Entertainment ♥
♥ Music
Music here!