lawak giler kowt...da macam orang giler d aku gelak...
korang2 pun tgk tau...
best r diaorang..sporting giler...
kepada sesiapa yg belum tgk..try la tgk
bak kata orang belum cuba belum tau..
memang gelok sokmo larh tgk citer nier..
**crazy ♥ 11:22
Dapat UiTM Dungun..asal la dekat sangat...
acctually nak g UTM..='(
lagipun tarikh daftar dia cepat sangat..
tak ready lagi...barang2 semua tak terbeli lagi..
$$$$ nak cari mane...
haiyh..sedih betul hidup..
**nak beg nie....
mane nak cari $$$$ nie? ='(
banyak giler barang nak beli..
-baju t-shirt/ kurung
-seluar jeans/ track
-macam2 lagi...
****mane laptop aku???!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 ♥
**this is word ♥ 16:41
Hari nie aku nak kongsi ngan korang
Kata2 semangat...
*chewah..haha =P
♥ The truth about the truth is… it hurts.. so … we lie…
♥ If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done
♥ Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.
~ Oprah Winfrey
♥ To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan,but also believe
Friday, 6 May 2011 ♥
**today was a fairy tale ♥ 20:50
so many things happen to me...
FIRST-bukak fb then dekat notification tu ada 'dia' hehehe...
bukannye masih mengharap tapi.........
SECOND-simcard tak ley bukak...uish...tekank gok la sikit..
THIRD-dapat UPU!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011 ♥
**again and again ♥ 16:39
aigoo..bila la nak okay mulut nie...
makin hari makin sakit..
arinie tak sabr nak tgk citer
Love U Thousand Times..!
episod best...hahaha....
Tuesday, 3 May 2011 ♥
**i'm not okay ♥ 21:12
sakit mulut..pedih giler...
nak makn n b'ckp pun tak ley...
arghh...terpaksa tahan perut..berlapar...
kawan2 ku..hahaha...korank tgk tak Running Man?
tgk giler..
geng2 tu da la lawak...nak2 Gwang Soo..haha
Ji Hyo lawa..muka natural beauty...
Joong Ki comeyl...=D
Nurieyn ♥
♥ The Times Of Our Live
Nurieyn Mohd
Just call me Nurieyn or Ain.
Born at 1993
I'm just the girl try to find a place in this world ♥ ♥ ♥
A very random & hyper girl who
cannot be alone ♥
I am very Sensitive person.
I really like Photography.