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I My Me Mine♥

Sunday, 29 May 2011 ♥
**orientasi ♥ 22:05

penat + sakit + lapor + tekank..
semua ada...
rase cam nak nangis kowt..
ni nak share 2-3 keping gambar
yg sempat snap time orientasi..
2-3 keping je...
coz busy n langsung tak teringat nk brgmbar..

gitu kowt eja dia...hahaha
diaorang buat persembahan...
best r...

Friday, 20 May 2011 ♥
**into the new world ♥ 23:10

tomorrow i'm gonna 
into the new world..

i want to tell u
eventhough the sad times have already passed
close ur eyes n feel
how u affect my mind
how u attract my gaze

don't wait for miracle
there's rough road in front of u
with obstacles and future that can't be unknown
yet i won't change
i can't give up

keep your love unchanging
for my wounded heart
looking in your eyes
no words are needed
time has stopped

feeling alone in this dark night
your soft breath
this moment warmly entwines me
in your pretence
i want you to know all my tremors

i love u just like this
the longed end of wondering
i leave behind this world's unending sadness
walking the many and unknowable paths
i follow the dim light
it's something we'll do together 
to the end
Into The New World

Wednesday, 18 May 2011 ♥
**serabut ♥ 21:20

sebenarnye kan...
tak dek paper pun..

Running man...! kat TV da kuar sampai episod
30 kowt...
kat fb da 38...
tapi aku da tgk sampai 39...
malas dah citer banyak2..
aku skip jer la...

episod 39...Yonna and Sunny
best!!!! Daebak....!

korank nk link?cari sendiri la..

sebenarnyer..banyak menda nk ckp..
tapi da luper...
esok je la...


**running man ♥ 19:25

Episod 12

No guest :)

but still best...
kali nie kenakan Joong Ki lak...
sempena bufday dia....
sengil chukka hamnida..!!

**running man ♥ 19:21

Episod 11

Guest : YongHwa (CN Blue) & Kim Jae Dong

episod nieyh..diaorang kenakan Gary..
lawak giler..
dengan Yonghwa sekali
buat2 tak betul...

**again ♥ 19:05

Episod 10

**running ♥ 19:01

Episod 9

Guest : Hongki (FT Island) , Shin Bong Sun & **tak kenal**




**as usually ♥ 17:18

Episod 8

Guest : Park Joon Gyu , Victoria (fx) , Lee Joon (M Blaq)

Lee Joon mcm tak bercakap sangat..diam jer...
Victoria FIGHTING!!

ada 1 part tu Lee Joon tak dpt dikesan..
hahaha..penat VJ dia mencari...


**nothing ♥ 14:48


haha...tadi tgh kemas2 barang kat kedai..
tetiba ternampak nie...

korank tau tak..hahaha...mesti tak tau an..
nampak kartun Paroro tu teringat kat Haha..

Haha + Paroro = Haroro

**ape ke pelik name Haha...aku nak wat name Kehkeh la pulak...

Tuesday, 17 May 2011 ♥
**hurt ♥ 22:34

Nobody understand my feeling...
asal aku jer salah..
asal aku jer tak betul...
asal aku jer tak kena...

semua benda aku buat tak kena...
semua benda pasal aku salah...

kalo la boleh buat 1 hajat...
aku nak mintak satu jer...
give me some HAPPINESS...

even just 1 minute...just give me...

**again & again ♥ 11:30

Don't walk..RUN!!!

Episod 7

Guest : Yonghwa , Eunjung & Jo Kwon


Monday, 16 May 2011 ♥
**2pm ♥ 12:47

Just nak share video...
lagu nie lama da kowt..
tapi aku baru dengar..hahaha

Tittle : Thank You
By : 2PM

Enjoy it! =)

Sunday, 15 May 2011 ♥
**dizzy ♥ 18:18

tadi g medical check-up..
kakak yg kerja kat situ..aishhh..
dinasihatkan supaya berhenti je la...
buat sakit ati jer...
tgk video nie..best...


running man!!

Episod 6

lawak giler episod nie..
tgk r saper guest dia..
Guest : Shin Young , Se7en & Dam Bi

kalo korang nak download semua episod
korang g cini
tapi korank kena sign up dulu..
tu la tempat paling mudah nak dowload running man...

Saturday, 14 May 2011 ♥
**running man ♥ 12:01

Don't walk, run!!!

Episod 2 & 3

lame giler kowt..sampai 2 episod..
mesti penat giler..
semalaman tak tidur...
main lari2 jer...
*Suwon World Cup Stadium

Guest : Hara , Lee Chun Hee & Ji Hyo

Episod 4 & 5

bset giler tempat diaorang main...
*National KuCheon Sciene Museum
 wah...lari2 dalam museum yg kosong..
memang best..
episod 1 lagi best...
shopping mall terus main..

Guest : Nickhun & Jessica

**boring BORING boring ♥ 11:39

Annyeong!!! Haha
boring la...tak tau nak buat aper..
sebenarnye banyak benda nak buat tapi....
dah terlalu banyak sampai tak terbuat...

wah..7 hari lagi...!!!
dup dap dup dap jantung nieyh...

nak promote running man nieyh..haha
tak habis2 ngan Running Man an?
tak dek benda nak citer so citer pasal
my fav shows je la...=P

nieyh r ahli asal Running Man
Perfect Combination..!
da la semua sporting..lawak plak tuh...

Episod 1
opening pun da lawak..
first time opening shows dalam hujan..
tgk kwangsoo pun da sakit perut gelak...
sian dia..tak derk orang care..
GUEST : Lee Hyori & Jum Eum

Lee Hyori main memang best...
Cheap group memang otak bijak r..
cepat jer dapat teka..
Expensive team slalu ketinggalan..
tapi nasib diaorang baik r..
tapi last game tak adil sangat la...
coz tempat code tu
semua boleh nampak..group lain pun boleh nampak..
so senang r..tgk jer group sebelah..
da dapat code....

kalo korang nak tgk ni link..

Thursday, 12 May 2011 ♥
**just smile ♥ 22:41

harh...sedih giler..nak nangis se...

cara aku hilangkan sedih...tgk ni r..
Running Man..
lawak giler kowt...da macam orang giler d aku gelak...
korang2 pun tgk r..best tau...

best r diaorang..sporting giler...
kepada sesiapa yg belum tgk..try la tgk
bak kata orang belum cuba belum tau..
memang gelok sokmo larh tgk citer nier..

**crazy ♥ 11:22

Dapat UiTM Dungun..asal la dekat sangat...
acctually nak g UTM..='(
lagipun tarikh daftar dia cepat sangat..
tak ready lagi...barang2 semua tak terbeli lagi..
$$$$ nak cari mane...
haiyh..sedih betul hidup..

**nak beg nie....

mane nak cari $$$$ nie? ='(
banyak giler barang nak beli..
-baju t-shirt/ kurung
-seluar jeans/ track
-macam2 lagi...

****mane laptop aku???!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011 ♥
**this is word ♥ 16:41

Hari nie aku nak kongsi ngan korang
Kata2 semangat...

*chewah..haha =P

♥ The truth about the truth is… it hurts.. so … we lie…

♥ If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done

♥ Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.
~ Oprah Winfrey

♥ To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe

Friday, 6 May 2011 ♥
**today was a fairy tale ♥ 20:50

so many things happen to me...

FIRST-bukak fb then dekat notification tu ada 'dia'  hehehe...
bukannye masih mengharap tapi.........

SECOND-simcard tak ley bukak...uish...tekank gok la sikit..

THIRD-dapat UPU!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011 ♥
**again and again ♥ 16:39

aigoo..bila la nak okay mulut nie...
makin hari makin sakit..

arinie tak sabr nak tgk citer
Love U Thousand Times..!
episod best...hahaha....

Tuesday, 3 May 2011 ♥
**i'm not okay ♥ 21:12

sakit mulut..pedih giler...
nak makn n b'ckp pun tak ley...
arghh...terpaksa tahan perut..berlapar...

kawan2 ku..hahaha...korank tgk tak Running Man?
tgk r...best giler..
geng2 tu da la lawak...nak2 Gwang Soo..haha
Ji Hyo lawa..muka natural beauty...
Joong Ki comeyl...=D

Nurieyn ♥
♥ The Times Of Our Live

Nurieyn Mohd
Just call me Nurieyn or Ain.
Born at 1993
I'm just the girl try to find a place in this world ♥ ♥ ♥

A very random & hyper girl who
cannot be alone ♥

I am very Sensitive person.
I really like Photography.

Music is my life.
Dancing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stairs to UFO
& there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Music here!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

tagboard here!
Hover here for tagboard!

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

is what i adores most.
They are my SuperGirlf.

Korean Artist
they all make me go carzy
(they're so cute!)

Snapping & Editing picture
are part of my favourites.

Shopping sprees
with my girlfriends are times when we
can crap together.

When she's out with her Supergirlfs or
when she has nothing to do at home.

Mummy,Daddy & Sibling
are the beloved families of mine.

Dark Chocolates
is my choice chocolate.
More bitterness, less sweetness please (:

Beloved Darling
He's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this please (:
Boyf, i love you

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Gain weight!
- Skin Of The Day
- Get over you?
- Electric blue/cardigan!
- My Dream's Beg
- Be with you ♥
- More outings with my classmate!
- New pair of shoes & boots
- No gain Height
- Increase my Tudung collections!
- More Jeans!
- Black Eyeliner!
- More friend!
- Happiness!

Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings


Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` March 2011 ` April 2011 ` May 2011 ` July 2011 ` August 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` January 2012
♥ Designer

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